
First -Year Living and Roommates

Where will I be living my first year?

First-year students are assigned to one of eight first-year residence halls, or “bricks.” First-years are required to live on campus, and will be assigned to either a double, quad, or quint. Descriptions of each of these residence halls, as well as blueprints for the rooms on each floor, are also available under First-Year Residences.

What should I know about roommates?

In May, incoming first-year students fill out an electronic housing survey, providing the Office of Residential Life with important information about their preferences. Students are asked about their sleeping habits, tidiness, interests, music likes/dislikes, and a variety of other questions that create the best picture of the student’s personality. The ResLife office uses these answers to make pairs and groups of roommates, eventually leading to the creation of floors and buildings. The office also takes a variety of other factors into account (such as high school and hometown) to make sure that floors are as diverse as possible. You cannot request roommates in the first year.

In early August, your housing assignment will be available in the on-line housing platform Bricks and Beyond, along with the names of your roommate(s) and proctor.

Some Advice on Roommates:

Get in touch with your roommate(s) before arriving on campus—otherwise, don’t be surprised when all four of you show up with your own mini-fridge.

Don’t expect your roommate(s) to be your best friend(s), but they might be! Many students find that their closest friends lived on their first-year floor, but it’s not a guarantee nor is it the end of the world if it doesn’t happen. You’ll make friends with your classmates in all kinds of places not only your room.

Communicate and compromise—nothing leads to tension faster than roommates not telling each other that something’s wrong. Be honest, and be willing to compromise to give the whole room the best possible experience.

During Orientation, your proctor will give each room a roommate contract. This gives the room an opportunity to discuss a range of topics that would come up while living together including visitors, sharing food and other items, noise, cleanliness, and more. Stick to what you decide on in the contract!

Need help with a conflict? Check out our roommate conflict page for more info and resources.